Recently, I was nominated (3x !!) for the Liebster Award from bloggers from Natalie Simm at
Big Society Girl, Jenna from
Beautician Views, and Jen from
Hello-Dreamer! And while I was both flattered and excited I'm being honest when I say I also had no idea what it was...
So I tried out the ol' Google machine and this is what I learned:
The Liebster Award is an unofficial online award given to bloggers from bloggers who are new and have a following of under 200 people-ish (I definitely fit this category). It's sort of in the form of a chain letter as you are nominated, then in turn nominate others. Sounds kinda fun right? It's a great way to network; be introduced to other bloggers and meet others as well.
The "Rules"
Link the blogger(s) who nominated you.
Answer 11 questions written by said blogger.
Post 11 facts about yourself.
Nominate 5- 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers to accept the award next.
Here we go...
11 Facts: Get to Know Me A Bit Better
- I live in Victoria, the beautiful capital of British Columbia, Canada where I attend University in order to become an elementary school teacher.
- I have a pet fish named Charlotte who has been with me since I moved here (almost 2 years)
- I've travelled internationally to Mexico (3x) and Europe (2x). My most recent trip last summer took my roommate and I to London, Paris, and Barcelona for 3 weeks at the end of our summer.
- I spent one short school year after graduation living off the Island (in the Okanagan) but returned quickly after. I love the ocean.
- I spend a lot of time watching TV shows on Netflix or beauty vlogs on YouTube. My recent addictions are Lost, Dragon's Den, and I just finished the 8 seasons of How I Met Your Mother that are available on Canadian Netflix.
- I procrastinate in the worst ways (see #5), but as a result I seem to work well under pressure (silver lining?)
- If I wasn't in the Education Program I would love to be a wedding planner or bridal consultant- involved in the wedding industry in any way really.
- I have one beautiful younger sister.
- I collect Starbucks city mugs. I buy them when I travel and family and friends now gift them to me as well... I have more mugs than any one person could ever need.
- Speaking of Starbucks, I am most productive in busy coffee shop environments aaaaaand
- I am a lover of country music !
Dying of happiness at EuroDisney |
Since I was tagged by two lovely ladies I chose to do Natalie's questions (just because she was first):
What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve ever done?
Define outrageous. I'm unsure how to even answer this question.
Are you a cat or dog person?
Cat probably but I could never say no to a puppy.
What’s your motivation behind your blog?
The motivation behind my blog was to connect with like minded people and share something I have a passion for- and honestly I never even imagined anyone would read my blog! I chose to being blogging because I was so inspired by the girls I watched on YouTube but wasn't quite ready to go there. I thought The Love of Lipstick would be a great way to dip my feet in and test the water. I've been blogging for about a month now with no regrets.
What’s your favourite app?
Oh AppWorld. I would say my favorite app would be
Instagram but if that's too easy then I would say Rookie, it's what I use to edit my photos before I post them.
Where do you see yourself in five years time?
In five years time I see myself graduated with my teaching degree (hopefully) working in my own classroom but if not I'd be happy floating around on the TOC list for a while. I will be a healthy, stable relationship ready to settle down but not necessarily start a family.
Name your top 3 products you can’t live without.
Generally speaking: BB cream, blush, aaaaand mascara.
What’s your go to hairstyle?
My infamous sockless sock bun.
What’s the most expensive item of clothing you own?
I don't know if it counts as clothing... but my large, black leather, Coach purse. I'm kicking myself because I can't remember what line it's from but I've been using it for a year and I absolutely adore it. It's large enough to fit my computer or a textbook or two.
Quick tip: If you're interested in Coach handbags- subscribe to their email list! Quite regularly- about every few weeks- they send out a 25% off coupon which can be applied in store or online. This is what I did and I got $100 off my purse.
Which subject during education has been the most interesting for you and why?
The most interesting? Probably Psychology 1100 in my first year and now the Ed. Psych course I'm currently enrolled in. It's focus is on Leaner's and Learning Environments; how to motivate your students, different way children develop and learn, etc.
If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
At this very moment I would die to be on a beach somewhere along the coast of Spain again.
If money was no object, what kind of lifestyle would you have?
Right now in my early 20's I would travel a lot- let's say every two or three months and have a beautiful home to come home to. And I'd eat really good organic food all the time. Yum.
There you have it ! These are the beautiful little blogs I've chosen to nominate:
- What's your favorite season? And why.
- Where do you consider "home"?
- Salty or sweet?
- If you had an extra hour in every day what would you do?
- What is the last movie you watched in theatre?
- What inspired you to start your blog and how long have you been blogging?
- Where do you find your inspiration?
- Do you wear toe nail polish all year round or just in the warmer months?
- Are you a coffee drinker?
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
- Do you have a favorite genre of music?
If I've nominated you and you chose to participate please send me your link so I can read your response! Thanks again Natalie, Jenna, and Jen!